Course Spotlight – WRD 288: Rhetoric and Popular Culture

*Originally posted by Leo Swearingen in Winter Quarter, 2024, with edits made to apply to Dr. Elliott’s iteration in the upcoming Spring Quarter 2025. At the intersection of The Avengers and Aristotle, WRD 288 Rhetoric & Popular Culture emerges to explore how pop culture shapes and is shaped by the art of persuasion. Taught this Spring Quarter by Dr. Timothy Elliott, this course is your ticket to entertainment and enlightenment in one. Read on to hear from Dr. Elliott and learn more about what the course entails. Are there any specific artifacts or events in pop culture the class will be taking a look

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Course Spotlight – WRD 377: Writing and Social Engagement: From Hip Hop To Hashtags

This upcoming spring quarter, Professor Ames Hoffner is teaching WRD 377 Writing and Social Engagement: From Hip Hop to Hashtags. This course is a part of the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Program, a program where students have the opportunity to engage in open collaboration and dialogue with incarcerated students at Cook County Jail. Over the quarter, DePaul students will consider incarcerated students their peers, while entering thoughtful discussions about social engagement as it pertains to ongoing, social issues.   Each week, “outside” DePaul students will learn alongside “inside” students. This course is largely discussion-based, so all students will be able to

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Course Spotlight – WRD 511: Rhetorics of Displacement

In the upcoming Spring Quarter, Dr. Monica Reyes will be exploring counterstories and how, as rhetors, students can shift their perspective from harmful narratives. With a focus on the stories of immigrants and refugees, WRD 511: Rhetorics of Displacement focuses on pushing back against stereotypical, limiting language surrounding these communities. While learning how to move away from the ‘helpless’ immigrant and refugee narrative, students will discover how to critically and empathetically amplify the true experiences of these groups.  What is a Counterstory?   Influenced by cultural rhetorician Aja Martinez’s concept of the counterstory, Dr. Reyes explains that “Martinez’s description of counterstory

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Course Spotlight – WRD 543: Teaching ESL Writing

*originally published in 2017 *revisions made for accuracy regarding SQ 2025 Students in Dr. Jason Schneider’s WRD 543: Teaching ESL Writing course learned to better understand the theoretical and practical issues connected to writing studies in an increasingly diverse world. WRD 543 is a graduate-level course, open to all MA in WRD students, and is offered every other year. It provides concentration credit for students in DePaul’s Teaching Writing and Language concentration of the MA in WRD and counts for Methods credit for those students pursuing the Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) certificate. Structured around readings and

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Event Recap: National Day of Writing 2024

October 20 marked another National Day of Writing. The Stanford Hume Center of Writing and Speaking calls it “a day to recognize and celebrate writing in all its forms.” On October 21, The WRD department teamed up with The Writing Center to celebrate. Writing Center tutors were set up in Arts and Letters Hall on DePaul’s Lincoln Park Campus. Students, faculty, and staff were all welcome to engage with fun prompts, yummy treats, and good conversation. Four prompts were offered for those willing to participate: Check out some of the amazing responses we got! Thank you to all that came out

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Student Spotlight: Andrea Hamler

Andrea Hamler is a soon to be graduate of the MAWRD program with a concentration in Professional and Digital Writing and an addition of the Strategic Writing and Advacement for Nonprofits (SWAN) certification. She completed an independent study looking into a rhetorical analysis of religious discourse communities and their relation to anti-environmental political discourse. She has roots in math and science tutoring, and her strengths include storytelling and understanding of contemporary evangelical Christian discourse. We got to talk to Andrea about her experiences during her time at DePaul and what her next steps might look like post grad!  How did you initially

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Course Spotlight WRD 540: Teaching Writing

WRD 540 Teaching Writing is a great introduction to those interested in teaching writing after they graduate, it’s in the name! This class gives students tools to understand different methodologies for teaching composition and looks at modern theories of rhetoric, reading, and language acquisition. Dr. Erin Workman has been teaching this course for the last few years and here she provides a new perspective on the course that will be offered this Winter Quarter 2025.   Are there any differences since the last spotlight last Fall?   Everything covered in last year’s spotlight is still relevant, including the hybrid modality with weeks

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Course Spotlight WRD 365: Migration and Storytelling

Our journey as writers often begins as storytellers. Through this medium, we can tell all kinds of stories about our identity, research, likes, dislikes, and the list goes on! However, sometimes we must listen to outside perspectives–stories from those who we might not usually think to seek. Dr. Monica Reyes, who has an expansive background in work involving displacement and migration studies, is teaching WRD 365: Migration and Storytelling this Winter Quarter 2025.  By examining a range of texts—including personal narratives, news articles, opinion pieces, and legal documents—students will evaluate the ethical, cultural, and political aspects of communicating, whether through

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Course Spotlight WRD 371: Mentoring Youth in Community Groups

**responses edited for clarity Writing is best when it is a collaboration. In high school, the thought of someone critiquing my work was terrifying. However, a great way to grow as a writer is to work with those around you, receiving and giving feedback. In WRD 371: Mentoring Youth in Community Groups, DePaul students have an opportunity to grow their ability to provide feedback, enhancing their own reflective writing processes, and help younger students at the local Leo High School develop their writing. Finding these types of spaces can be intimidating, but WRD 371 has become a haven for young

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Course Spotlight: WRD 287 The Comic Book As Visual Argument

**originally posted May 19, 2022 by Amanda Finn; information is still accurate for WQ 25 There has long been an argument about whether or not graphic novels or comic books should be considered literature. Regardless of which side of the argument you may be on, it is a fascinating conversation to be sure. Professor Alan Ackmann is taking on an adjacent discourse in the upcoming course WRD 287 – The Comic Book as Visual Argument. This class will dig into the rhetorical nature of comics and explore the ways in which they add to conversations. Read on to learn more about

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