Course Spotlight — WRD 522: Writing in the Professions

Workplace writing is a critical skill that professionals use every day, but what exactly is it, and how can students learn it? In Spring Quarter 2025, Dr. Timothy Elliott seeks to answer these questions in WRD 522 Writing in the Professions. Read on to learn more about what to expect in this graduate level course and see why you should enroll.   Course Goals and Learning Outcomes  WRD 522 Writing in the Professions seeks to define workplace writing while also equipping students with the tools to do it effectively. Instead of just discussing theories, Dr. Elliott will bring in industry professionals

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Course Spotlight — WRD 203 Style for Writers

This Spring Quarter 2025, Dr. Julie Bokser is teaching WRD 203 Style for Writers, a core major class that helps students develop their ability to think and write effectively in a variety of genres. Read on to learn more about what this class entails and see why you should be excited to enroll this Spring Quarter! Course Goals and Learning Outcomes Dr. Bokser’s main goal for the course is to get students to think more deeply about language. By looking at the details of language use, like how sentences are structured, students can expect to learn how to make their

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Course Spotlight – WRD 360 Topics in Rhetoric: Privilege, Discourse, and the Second Amendment

In Spring Quarter 2025, Dr. Michael Gallaway will be teaching WRD 360 Topics in Rhetoric: Privilege, Discourse, and the Second Amendment. This class enters debates on who is allowed to do what, particularly when it comes to enacting citizenship through the right to bear arms. Read on to learn more about what this class entails and hear why you should enroll this Spring Quarter!  Course Goals and Learning Objectives  This course emerged as an extension of the Lived Civics Initiative that DePaul started a few years ago, wherein the University was awarded a grant to examine the ways that people

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Course Spotlight — WRD 289: Writing about Rights

In a social context where people must consistently navigate their rights, or lack thereof, it is important to understand how rights claims function as a specific rhetorical tool. This Winter Quarter 2025, Dr. Jason Schneider will be exploring rights rhetoric by teaching WRD 289: Writing about Rights so students can gain a deeper understanding of the role language plays in shaping social and political movements. Read on to hear from Dr. Schneider as to what students should expect from the course and learn why you should enroll!  What are your goals for the course and what can students hope to

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Course Spotlight – WRD 204: Technical Writing and its Utility for WRD Majors

This Autumn Quarter, WRD 204 Technical Writing is returning to help students learn how to develop documents for technical workplaces. Taught in person at both the Lincoln Park and Loop campuses, or as an online asynchronous course, WRD 204 is sure to fit into your schedule and provide useful knowledge.  I interviewed Professor Allison Pelletier, who teaches an online async iteration of the course, to learn more about WRD 204 and what it offers—especially for WRD majors. I also checked in with two WRD majors, Amber Corkey and Jillian Muncaster, to share their perspectives as to how the course benefitted

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Course Spotlight – WRD 526: Grant & Proposal Writing

This Autumn Quarter, Dr. Lisa Dush will be teaching WRD 526 Grant & Proposal Writing, where graduate students can learn about developing grant and funding materials both theoretically and practically. By collaborating with local nonprofit organizations, students develop the ability to create specialized documents seeking funding. I checked in with Dr. Dush, who shared some key perspectives on what students can expect from WRD 526.  Course Goals and Learning Outcomes Regarding her goals for the course and what students can hope to learn, Dr. Dush shared, “My primary goal for the course is to give students a situated experience of

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Updated Course Spotlight – WRD 500: Proseminar

What To Expect From WRD 500: Proseminar Every Autumn Quarter, the WRD Department offers WRD 500 Proseminar, the only required course that every MAWRD student must take. The course is designed to introduce students to the theories, concepts, and writing of graduate-level work in writing studies.  This year, Dr. Monica Reyes will lead Proseminar on Mondays from 6:00 to 9:15 pm. We checked in with Dr. Reyes in order to help new WRD students understand what to expect from WRD 500. The Value of a Required Course Because all MAWRD students take Proseminar within the first half of their program,

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Course Spotlight – WRD 323: Editing

This Autumn Quarter, Dr. Tim Elliott will be teaching WRD 323 Editing, a course for undergraduates to hone not just their editing skills but also their ability to communicate with the writers they’re editing for. I checked in with Dr. Elliott to better understand what WRD 323 Editing is about and what students can expect. Read on to see Dr. Elliott’s insightful responses.  What are your goals for the course and what can students hope to learn? My goals are to help students prepare to edit most kinds of professional documents and become comfortable building rapport with authors. Students will

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Updated Course Spotlight – WRD 264: Language, Self, & Society

As a social practice that we engage in each and every day, language holds a great deal of power in how we understand and move about our world. It constructs how we live, function, and relate to other people. In the upcoming Autumn Quarter, Dr. Jason Schnieder’s course, WRD 264: Language, Self, and Society, delves into this dynamic relationship. Read on to learn more and hear about WRD 264 from Dr. Schneider’s perspective.  The topics of your class–language, self, and society–can encompass many different relationships. Is there a primary one you are focusing on? Not a primary one, but the

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