Research Opportunities for Undergraduate and Graduate Students

One of the best parts about pursuing a degree is finding scholarly tracks you’re passionate about. Sometimes that passion swells beyond the scope of a class or project and you want to take your research to the next level. Whether you’re an undergraduate or graduate student, oftentimes there are ways to pursue that research in a meaningful, productive way.  Whether you take your project to a fellowship or find funding to do more research on your own, there is a myriad of opportunities to take advantage of while you’re still in school. This article doesn’t talk about every single option

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Going to Graduate School Later in Life

When finishing an undergraduate program, it can sometimes feel like that is the only time one can go into graduate school. But, for many students, heading right back into school after 12-16 straight years of schooling isn’t the right option. In fact, as of 2021, the average American graduate student was 33-years-old which is a statistic that has remained pretty stable for the last several decades. Beyond that average age, however, are folks who decide to go to graduate school later in their lives and careers.  Choosing to go back to school is a big commitment, even in a two-year

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Course Spotlight: WRD 513 Semiotics

Even if you aren’t sure what “semiotics” is, you encounter it on a daily basis. Put plainly, semiotics is the study of signs or symbols and how we interpret them. Take, for example, how you use emojis in your texts to convey a certain meaning. That is a use of semiotics because you are relying on that emoji to give context to whoever you’re talking to.  If studying that sounds interesting to you, you should consider taking Professor Pete Vandenberg’s WRD 513: Semiotics this spring. Not only will you learn about using semiotics in a disciplinary sense, but you’ll also

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Course Spotlight — WRD 507: Global Englishes

Note: This post was updated in January, 2024. This Spring Quarter, Dr. Jason Schneider is teaching one of his favorite courses—WRD 507 Global Englishes. This course showcases the vast variations in the English language across the world and the forces that have made English both a modern lingua franca and a language expressed in many different ways around the world. For students interested in linguistics, language teaching, and the political histories that shape our communication, this class is an opportunity to engage with English on an entirely new playing field. “In the broadest sense, the course offers a way to

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Sharing Your Truth: Publishing a Personal Essay

This blog was written during Asexuality Awareness Week 2021, October 24-30.  At the start of 2020 I pitched a personal essay story to the Huffington Post personal section. It was an essay outlining my discovery of Demisexuality* and how that discovery impacted me as a person. I thought a few people would read it before life went on. What I didn’t expect was for the article to go viral during the first COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020, or to see my face on other media platforms’ homepages sent in screenshots from friends around the world, or to be inundated with

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