Some of the most significant professional development opportunities that students can pursue include publishing an article in a journal and presenting at a conference. For students who want to pursue careers in higher education, teaching, and research, these experiences can help students gain recognition for their hard work and share their ideas on an international scale.
There are several journals, platforms, and conferences that invite undergraduates to submit their work, which can include revisions of papers written in WRD classes. We rounded up a list of journals and conferences where undergrads should consider submitting their work.
Publications & Journals
Creating Knowledge
DePaul’s College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences offers students an opportunity to publish their writing in Creating Knowledge, a journal of undergraduate writing and scholarship. Each department and program in the college can nominate one student to include their writing in the journal. The most recent edition of Creating Knowledge features an essay by WRD student Deyana Atanasova. The WRD Department typically requests submissions to the journal in May.
The Journal for Undergraduate Multimedia Projects, or JUMP+, is an electronic journal that showcases the digital and multimedia projects of undergraduate students across the globe. Creating an online space for creativity and scholarship, the journal serves as a platform for undergraduates to publish their work as well as a pedagogical resource for teachers who want to incorporate new media into the classroom. Accepted throughout the year, submissions require a link to a digital media project, a description of the project, and information about the course in which the project originated.

The Popular Culture Studies Journal
Every issue of the interdisciplinary peer-reviewed Popular Culture Studies Journal includes a “Student Showcases” section that highlights undergraduate and graduate student work. Some of the topics within the scope of the journal include social media, film, television, the world wide web, and literature. For more insight, review previous issues and the submission guidelines.
Xchanges publishes two issues each year, with a Fall issue focused on undergraduate student writing and a Spring issue featuring graduate student writing. This interdisciplinary journal primarily focuses on articles and webtexts about writing across the curriculum, technical communication, and writing and rhetoric. Submissions are typically between 15 and 25 pages in length and due by June 30 for publication in the Fall issue.
Young Scholars in Writing
Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes undergraduate articles on topics such as rhetoric, discourse, writing, and language. With one volume published in print and online each year, the journal accepts theoretical articles, primary research papers, methodological reflections, and even responses to previously published works. Check out the recent call for papers, submission guidelines, and submit your abstract by April 8.
Conferences & Presentations
Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium
One of the largest undergraduate research conferences in the nation takes place right in Chicago. The Chicago Area Undergraduate Research Symposium (CAURS) invites undergraduate students from all academic disciplines to present their research through poster presentations, oral presentations, and roundtable discussions. Students can also register to attend the conference as an educational and networking opportunity. Review the abstract submission guidelines and submit by March 1.

International Writing Centers Association Conference
WRD students who also work in the Writing Center or have tutoring experience may want to explore the International Writing Centers Association Conference, an annual conference that occurs every Fall. This year, the conference will be held in Vancouver, Canada in October with the theme of “local mission, global vision.” Students can participate in a variety of ways, including panel presentations, individual presentations, workshops, roundtables, posters, and as attendees. Submissions are due by April 14, and keep in mind that DePaul’s Undergraduate Research Fund (URF) can help cover some of the expenses for conference travel.
Midwest Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association Conference
The Midwest Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association Conference (MPCA/ACA) is a regional branch of the Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association. The group hosts an annual conference in the Midwest, and this year’s conference will take place in Minneapolis in early October. According to the call for proposals, submissions are due by April 30. MPCA/ACA even hosts an undergraduate paper competition for attendees.
If you’re interested in publication and presentation opportunities, talk to your WRD professors and advisors, who can help you prepare a piece of writing for submission or find the right place to submit your research.