A Closer Look: Updates from the WRD Equity Committee

In the aftermath of the 2020 killings of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Tony McDade at the hands of the police, a collective cry for action resonated within the Writing, Rhetoric, & Discourse Department. Motivated by a poignant letter written by concerned students and alumni, the WRD department was called upon to actively champion diversity, equity, and inclusion. This compelling call to action culminated in the establishment of the WRD Equity Committee.

The Committee’s Goals:

Since its inception, the Equity Committee has emerged with a series of goals aimed at transforming the WRD department’s approach to antiracism and inclusivity. Some of the Committee’s main goals address equitable practices in the department’s current programs:

  • Develop and share processes for ensuring antiracist course design.
  • Produce recommendations for antiracist assessment practices and develop antiracist assessment training materials.
  • At the June Department meeting, present an annual report that details the implementation of antiracist strategies across Department programs.

Other goals include collaborations both within WRD and with external organizations or courses that promote equity:

  • In collaboration with relevant program directors, identify and recommend advising materials course offerings outside of WRD that can fill gaps in WRD offerings.
  • Review the community partner organizations working with WRD courses, with a goal to involve a diverse group of partner organizations, including those led by people of color, in our community engaged courses.
  • Research, complete, and promote university and professional opportunities for antiracist training with the department.

Finally, the last main goals aim to build inclusivity in the department through strengthened advising practices:

  • The Committee will advise students and faculty of University reporting resources and policies under the Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Procedures.
  • Committee will advise on hiring and recruitment for the hiring of faculty and staff.
  • Committee will advise on recruitment of potential Graduate candidates.

Current Committee Actions:

The Equity Committee is currently headed by Committee Chair Monica Reyes and supported by faculty Erin MacKenna, Lydia Saravia, Margaret Poncin, and Erin Workman, as well as student representatives Leo Swearingen and Kat Cooper.

As we say goodbye to our undergraduate representative, Kat Cooper, who graduates at the end of Autumn Quarter 23, the Committee opens the floor for new applicants. Undergraduate WRD students passionate about shaping an equitable future for the WRD department are encouraged to apply here. Representatives will be actively involved in producing documents and participating in collaborative projects alongside faculty members.

In its current phase, the WRD Equity Committee has been engaging with the student body. The revival of the community whiteboard, located outside the WRD Department on the SAC’s third floor, now features weekly prompts soliciting student input on inclusivity. Recent questions, such as “what campus spaces feel most inclusive to you?” invite open reflections. Students can contribute both in person and online through this link

The Equity Committee is also in the process of curating a quarterly newsletter. This newsletter will showcase student responses to the whiteboard questions, as well as provide updates on committee sponsored events, courses, and a student spotlight.

Moreover, the WRD Equity Committee is working hard on the Quality of Instruction Council (QIC) Departmental Initiative Grant by collaborating with the First-Year Writing (FYW) Committee. This collaborative effort is launching focus groups to garner student and faculty perspectives regarding their latest findings that learning outcomes differ based on racial demographics. They also aim to understand how students’ FYW experiences impact their perceptions of WRD as a diverse department at DePaul.

In its time as an inclusion, diversity, and equity builder for the WRD Department, the Equity Committee has been hard at work uncovering meaningful perspectives from students and faculty. Using these perspectives, the Committee aims to foster growth in the department’s equitable present and future. Be sure to get involved by responding to the whiteboard surveys in the WRD hallway or online, applying to be the next undergraduate representative, and staying tuned for the next Equity Committee newsletter.