Job Sleuth: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages

The WRD program at DePaul offers a number of ways for students to understand the challenges of second language acquisition and teaching speakers of other languages. Undergraduate students engage with these topics through courses such as Global Englishes (WRD 368) and can get hands-on experience tutoring English language learners by taking Teaching English as a Second Language in Chicago (WRD 378). The MA in WRD also offers a TESOL Graduate Certificate.

Being certified to work as an instructor in ESL could potentially lead you to jobs both near and far, so this post will point you to some resources to make sure you find the one you’re looking for.

TESOL Resources

The largest professional organization for ESL instructors is the TESOL International Association. Their website contains advice on professional development and is catered more to those who might like to work abroad. If you’re looking for something a little closer to home, you could look into the Illinois Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages – Bilingual Education for workshop events and other opportunities. WRD Assistant Professor and TESOL Certificate Coordinator, Dr. Jason Schneider offers the following advice on networking and finding ESL jobs: “when schools are looking for adjunct instructors in ESL or comp, they may not make a public posting. You should reach out to program directors at schools where you might want teach to see what their needs are, and/or look on the HR/job postings pages of specific schools.”

Job Boards

Many of the job boards below will contain both local and international job listings. Filter by country or region for best results.

Community Work

If you’re looking to build experience during your job hunt, there are a number of community organizations in the city of Chicago that may be looking for volunteers and part-time employees to help with the teaching and tutoring of English language learners. Here are some of the organizations that WRD 378 students have volunteered at in the past:

Teach in China

Since 2012, the WRD department has maintained an academic partnership with Huaqiao University, located in Xiamen and Quanzhou, China. Through this relationship, the WRD department has created an opportunity for students who have completed the Graduate Certificate in TESOL to teach English in China. This opportunity comprises a full-time teaching appointment for one academic year, along with travel allowance and living accommodations. Follow this link more more details and instructions on how to apply.

Working Abroad

While a career as a TESOL instructor affords you the unique experience of being able to work in schools across the globe, certain precautions and information must be taken into account when applying for positions abroad. At the most basic level, you should ensure that you have applied for appropriate travel documentation (e.g. passports, work visas) and know the residency and employment laws for the country in which you would like to work. It is equally important to be aware of different cultural expectations that you may not be aware of. Consider researching the local working and housing conditions and evaluate the specific conditions at the institution where you are seeking employment. The World Factbook is a useful resource for finding information about foreign countries, and it’s a good idea to contact the local U.S. embassy for more information.

Happy job hunting!