Student Spotlight: Reina Ashley Nomura

Recently, MAWRD student Reina Ashley Nomura completed an Independent Study as part of their coursework in the Teaching Writing and Language Concentration. With knowledge gained in the study, Reina went on to present at DePaul’s 2024 Teaching and Learning Conference and is currently working on a research proposal they plan to submit to the university’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) soon. Reina’s work focuses on critical university studies, using rhetoric and writing pedagogy scholarship to understand the experiences of faculty and staff in higher education and how these impact teaching and learning.  We chatted with Reina about their experience and how

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Course Spotlight – WRD 204: Technical Writing and its Utility for WRD Majors

This Autumn Quarter, WRD 204 Technical Writing is returning to help students learn how to develop documents for technical workplaces. Taught in person at both the Lincoln Park and Loop campuses, or as an online asynchronous course, WRD 204 is sure to fit into your schedule and provide useful knowledge.  I interviewed Professor Allison Pelletier, who teaches an online async iteration of the course, to learn more about WRD 204 and what it offers—especially for WRD majors. I also checked in with two WRD majors, Amber Corkey and Jillian Muncaster, to share their perspectives as to how the course benefitted

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Course Recap – WRD 540: Teaching Writing WQ 24

In Winter Quarter 24, WRD 540 Teaching Writing, taught by Dr. Erin Workman, met to help students develop their understanding of how to teach writing. Students from both the MAWRD and MA in English programs and with different educational and professional goals took the class, which inspired a range of discussions and directions.  I met with two students from the course, Reina Ashley Nomura (“RN”) and Lindsay Wilson (“LW”) to gather their perspectives about what the course offers, what they achieved, and their directions moving forward. Reina Ashley Nomura is a student in the MAWRD program, and Lindsay Wilson is

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Updated Course Spotlight: WRD 364 Chicago Women Rhetors

Chicago has a long history of women speaking and getting things done. Who are the women who have made their mark on our city? What did they say, how did they say it, and do people know about them?  WRD 364 Chicago Women Rhetors guides students to answer these questions and more, offering the opportunity to both study history and write it. Read on to learn more about this unique course, which will be taught in Autumn Quarter 2024 by Dr. Julie Bokser.  Course Overview Summarizing the course, Dr. Bokser shared, “It’s at the intersection of rhetoric – feminist rhetoric,

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Event Recap: Dr. Antonio Byrd’s AI Presentation

On Wednesday, April 17th the WRD Department greeted Dr. Antonio Byrd, an Assistant Professor of English from the University of Missouri-Kansas City, to present “Practicing Linguistic Justice with Large Language Models.” In the hour and a half long presentation, Dr. Byrd discussed the need for a critical AI literacy that supports students who speak non-standard forms of English.  With over 20 attendees in person at Arts & Letters Hall and many more attending via Zoom, the event was a success that garnered interest in the department from students, staff, and faculty alike.  In the interactive presentation, Dr. Byrd began by

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Updated Course Spotlight – WRD 377 Writing and Social Engagement: Writing Across Americas

In the upcoming Autumn Quarter, Dr. Maria Prikhodko will be teaching WRD 377 Writing and Social Engagement. While WRD 377 focuses on various themes depending on when it is offered, the upcoming iteration of the course repeats the Spring Quarter 2022 theme, “Writing Across Americas,” and will include collaborative opportunities with a Chicago nonprofit and with students from Brazil’s Unichristus University. Read on to learn more about the course, which offers students a unique opportunity for international connection and global citizenship education. Overview Grounded in DePaul’s mission of preparing all students for global citizenship and success, this course introduces students

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Course Spotlight – WRD 526: Grant & Proposal Writing

This Autumn Quarter, Dr. Lisa Dush will be teaching WRD 526 Grant & Proposal Writing, where graduate students can learn about developing grant and funding materials both theoretically and practically. By collaborating with local nonprofit organizations, students develop the ability to create specialized documents seeking funding. I checked in with Dr. Dush, who shared some key perspectives on what students can expect from WRD 526.  Course Goals and Learning Outcomes Regarding her goals for the course and what students can hope to learn, Dr. Dush shared, “My primary goal for the course is to give students a situated experience of

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Updated Course Spotlight – WRD 500: Proseminar

What To Expect From WRD 500: Proseminar Every Autumn Quarter, the WRD Department offers WRD 500 Proseminar, the only required course that every MAWRD student must take. The course is designed to introduce students to the theories, concepts, and writing of graduate-level work in writing studies.  This year, Dr. Monica Reyes will lead Proseminar on Mondays from 6:00 to 9:15 pm. We checked in with Dr. Reyes in order to help new WRD students understand what to expect from WRD 500. The Value of a Required Course Because all MAWRD students take Proseminar within the first half of their program,

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Course Spotlight – WRD 323: Editing

This Autumn Quarter, Dr. Tim Elliott will be teaching WRD 323 Editing, a course for undergraduates to hone not just their editing skills but also their ability to communicate with the writers they’re editing for. I checked in with Dr. Elliott to better understand what WRD 323 Editing is about and what students can expect. Read on to see Dr. Elliott’s insightful responses.  What are your goals for the course and what can students hope to learn? My goals are to help students prepare to edit most kinds of professional documents and become comfortable building rapport with authors. Students will

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Course Recap – WRD 531: Digital Storytelling 

This past Winter Quarter, Dr. Lisa Dush taught MAWRD’s sixth iteration of WRD 531: Digital Storytelling. This course gives students the opportunity to craft short digital personal experience narratives (DPENs) and to learn about how such narratives are circulated for organizational and community-building purposes. Exploring the processes, norms, and ethics of digital storytelling, this course enables students to  better conceptualize and execute digital storytelling projects in both personal and professional contexts. I had the opportunity to take WRD 531 this past quarter, and below I share some of the main class components and takeaways articulated by Dr. Dush, MAWRD student

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