Course Spotlight: WRD 551, Teaching Apprenticeship Practicum

Overview of WRD 551 & TAP WRD 551 functions as the companion course to WRD’s Teaching Apprentice Program (TAP), a program that gives MA in WRD students the unique opportunity to teach a section of WRD 103, one of the two courses in DePaul’s First-Year Writing Program. As they teach, TAP instructors meet weekly in WRD 551: Teaching Apprenticeship Practicum to discuss composition pedagogy and share classroom experiences.

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Faculty Spotlight: Tim Elliott

In autumn quarter 2018, WRD extended a warm welcome to Professor Tim Elliott, the newest tenure-track member of the WRD faculty. He will teach undergraduate and graduate Professional Writing courses at DePaul. This quarter, Professor Elliott is teaching graduate course WRD 523: Editing and undergraduate course WRD 301: Writing in Workplace Contexts.

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Kathy Yancey Recap

Introduction Kathy Blake Yancey joined the WRD Department as a part of its quarterly speaker series, Writing and Rhetoric Across Borders. Yancey is the Kellogg W. Hunt Professor of English and Distinguished Research Professor at Florida State University. Her presentation, “Tracing College Writers’ Prior Knowledge: What Is It, and How Can it Help Us Teach Writing Better?” highlighted why and how teachers should draw on students’ various prior knowledges about writing.

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New MA in WRD ePortfolio Requirement

As of the 2018/19 school year, all new students in the WRD MA program will create and submit an eportfolio as part of the degree requirement. This post details the new eportfolio process and offers tips to help students get started. While new MA students are required to submit an eportfolio, current MA students are encouraged to complete the eportfolio also.

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WRD Student Spotlight: Nikki Roberts

Nikki Roberts is a DePaul ‘20 Journalism major and Professional Writing minor. She declared her Professional Writing minor in Autumn 2017 to strengthen her writing “outside of journalism/AP style writing.” During Winter Quarter of her sophomore year, Roberts took WRD 263, Reading Between the Grooves: The Rhetorical Power of Popular Music with Professor Jason Schneider. “His class encouraged me to consider a broader range of topics outside of strict music reporting,” Roberts said.

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WRD Alumni Spotlight: Alex Gabriel

Alex Gabriel is a 2015 WRD alumnus who went on to pursue a Masters in Public Policy at the University of Maryland and worked at the Do Good Institute and Aspen Institute. He is currently a Research Analyst at American University. His forthcoming article, “Politics of School Choice: a case study of Maryland’s BOOST program,” will be released through the Equity Project in 2018.

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