WRD Speaker Series – Dr. Chris Thaiss

The department of Writing, Rhetoric, and Discourse at DePaul University is pleased to welcome Dr. Chris Thaiss as the spring quarter WRD Speaker Series presenter. On Wednesday, April 16th, Dr. Thaiss will give his talk “Writing Programs Worldwide.”


Dr. Chris Thaiss is Clark Kerr Presidential Chair and Professor in the University Writing Program (UWP) of the University of California at Davis. A member of the Language, Literacy, and Culture Graduate Group at UCD, he also serves as Principal Investigator of the Area 3 Writing Project, a site of the National Writing Project. Active in the development of cross-curricular writing in colleges and universities since 1978, Thaiss coordinates the International Network of WAC Programs (INWAC) and works with teachers in the elementary, middle, and high schools through sites of the National Writing Project. He is the author and editor of several books, including Writing Programs Worldwide: Profiles of Academic Writing in Many Places (with Gerd Bräuer, Paula Carlino, Lisa Ganobcsik-Williams, and Aparna Sinha; Parlor Press and the WAC Clearinghouse, 2012). In addition, he serves on the editorial boards of Across the Disciplines, the WAC Clearinghouse, Writing Spaces, and Writing on the Edge.

Speaker:              Dr. Chris Thaiss
Date:                     Wednesday, April 16, 2014
Time:                    6:00-7:30pm
Location:             McGowan South, room 104

Please RSVP at  http://wrdspeakerseries.eventbrite.com/